Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My life in Arizona and the Pioneer Trek at Martin's Cove

Here are the pictures I promised of both my stay in Arizona and the Pioneer trek I went on.
I really am going to miss being home. My parents were awesome because they let me just relax and play every day. I loved hanging out with old friends and I'm excited to maybe make a trip to Provo this semester to hang out with them for another weekend. It was so nice in high school to have such a strong group of friends who always made me want to better. I am forever grateful for them and the influence they've had in my life.
The pioneer trek was quite an adventure. My immediate family loves the idea of hotels and being able to shower everyday so having to live in a tent and not shower for three days was quite a new experience. Although there were moments when I was tired and gross, there were also moments when I have never felt closer to my Heavenly Father and the pioneers that sacrifised so much. I'm grateful I was able to get a small glimpse of what the faithful pioneers had to go through, they really were so amazing and strong. I loved to mingle with cousins, aunts, and uncles that I don't get to see very often. As always, I loved to be with my immediate family and I hated saying goodbye at the end. Right now I'm hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma Peterson for a few days before I move into my new apartment on Saturday, I'm excited to reunite with friends and get settled.


Shannon said...

Hey dude. cool blog. How did you get the song on there? Did you go on trek as a family reunion? Is garret Sheilds home? Keep it real!

Anonymous said...

This is so fun watching your slideshow and reading your comments about each picture.
Love you, MOM