Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Back at home in AZ

BYU-Idaho has this crazy seven week break between summer and fall semesters now so I'm just living at home for a little while. Let's just say I'm loving it! I'm having so much fun hanging out with my family at fun Jimmy Eat World concerts, swimming, and frequent get togethers! Some of my best friends from high school are also just getting home off missions and living down here so I've been able to feel like I'm in high school all over again. Fall semester starts the middle of september so I figure I just have to enjoy relaxing here at home until then!


Katie Fish said...

YAY!!! A new post!!! :) I always check this thing in hopes of a new post...here it is!! WOO HOO!! Glad to hear you are having so much fun in AZ! I wish I could spend my days swimming at my pool...I'm so jealous! Good to hear from you!

Petersens said...

Great picture; who is that stunning girl standing next to you. Wow.
Ha ha, yeah, so you dissed me for dinner tonight in favor of going to a cabin. Whatever! Like that's going to be fun at all. :)
Love you. Don't want to see you go back up to ID