Friday, August 8, 2008


Although I rarely get comments on my postings so I question if anyone even looks at my blog, I will continue to update myself on what's going on.
Last week my Grandpa took all of the single cousins (I of course qualify) and the adults to Cancun for a week. It was PARADISE! We stayed at an all inclusive resort so there was unlimited food, pina coladas, and icecream. Let's just say it was delicious to the mouth but detrimental to the hips. Our resort was right on the beach so between the sand and the pool, I was able to get a little tan which is always a good thing. I was able to do things I had never done before which was awesome. My dad and I went scuba diving and I drank alcohol for the first time. Scuba diving was intentional but the alcohol tasting definately wasn't so don't go tell the bishop on me quite yet. All of the workers assumed that since I'm an adult that I drink so I would make sure that I say I wanted virgin pina coladas. Well I guess one time they didn't understand my broken spanish and thought I said, "Load this one up! I love to have a really gross burning taste in my throat." We literally took hundreds of pictures so below I am showing just a few of the highlights. Anyway, it will be a trip I'll never forget!


Anonymous said...

Carly - It looks like you had a blast with your family! Congrats on the job!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Carly!!! Oh how i miss going to Applebee's with you late in the evenings and eating jalapenos and other such things, I hope that i will be able to continue that tradition with your sister!!!
Heidi told me about your job and congrats!!!!
Elizabeth (Sanchez)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a trip to remember!

Bethany said...

You haven't updated yourself lately and I am always snooping on your blog. I never have any clever comments to leave. I am jealous of your trip though. I bet it was a riot - knowing your family you guys had some serious fun. So are you staying in AZ now?